
Chinese Society of Extracorporeal circulation





会议简介 中华医学会麻醉学分会拟定于2012年8月30—9月2日在重庆召开“2012年中华医学会全国麻醉学术年会”.本次会议是中华医学会一类学术会议,麻醉分会各专业学组年会将同时并会召开,因此是2012年度的重要学术盛会。年会将设大会专题报告、各专业学组分会场学术交流等内容,并以专题板块和学术论文报告相结合的形式进行学术交流。 一、征文内容及分类: 1、麻醉学科建设 2、麻醉学基础研究 3、临床麻醉与研究 4、疼痛治疗与研究 5、重症监测治疗与研究 6、儿科麻醉 7、神经外科麻醉 8、心胸外科麻醉、体外循环 9、气道管理 10、器官移植麻醉 11、产科麻醉 12、输血及血液保护 13、麻醉相关新技术、新业务进展 14、特殊病例报告 15、麻醉质量管理及麻醉并发症 16、区域麻醉与镇痛 17、其它 二、征文要求: (一)、年会征文: 1、凡报送参加年会交流的论文,均提交论文摘要一份(800--1000字以内),并请在稿件左上角按上述征文分类注明论文类别(请自留底稿,恕不退稿)。 2、格式要求:论文摘要请用Microsoft Word2000或2003编辑,页面设置请用4号字体,A4纸,文稿顺序为题目、单位、邮编、作者姓名、联系电话、摘要内容。 3、凡已在全国性学术会议上或全国公开发行的刊物上发表过的论文,不予受理。 4、本次年会仍将举办中青年优秀论文评选,参评条件为1967年9月1日以后出生(投稿时请将身份证复印件扫描成图片格式粘贴在文章的首页)。凡申请参加中青年优秀论文评选的论文,均需提交中、英论文摘要各一份(800--1000字以内)及中文全文一份,论文一律用word文档撰写(请网上投稿);征文要求同上;并请在稿件右上角注明“中青年优秀论文评奖”字样。评选设一等奖1名,二等奖3名,三等奖5名(具体参评要求届时见有关会议通知);获奖者将获得临床科研奖金。 5、各专业学组征文也按年会要求一并投稿,学科管理学组、疼痛学组、ICU学组、儿科麻醉学组、神经外科麻醉学组、心胸外科麻醉学组、气道管理学组、器官移植麻醉学组、产科麻醉学组、区域麻醉与镇痛学组(筹)等,都将在年会期间组织学术活动。 (注:年会还将继续进行2011年度SCI论文奖评选;获奖者将获得优秀论文奖金;具体评选办法请登录年会网址查询)。 三、投稿方式:、网上征文与报名:年会网址:;或 2、书面邮寄:“北京东四西大街42号中华医学会麻醉学分会办公室白雪收(邮编:100710;投寄的论文请在信封上注明“2011年麻醉年会征文”字样)。联系电话 010-85158614,传真:010—85158753;邮箱;(请尽量采用网上投稿;以保证投稿和注册的准确性;二种方式只选一种)。 四、截稿日期:年会:2012年3月31日。 五、凡个人邀请外宾来参加全国年会并拟进行学术交流者,请与麻醉学分会办公室白雪联系(联系方式同上)。相关费用原则上由邀请人负责解决。 联系方式 联系人:白雪 电 话:010-85158614



AmSECT 50th International Conference

Mark your calendars and plan to attend AmSECT's 50th International Conference at the Hilton Bonnet Creek Resort in Orlando, Florida, March 28-31, 2012. What makes this meeting special? First, we will be celebrating our Perfusion Pioneers, those who, in the early days, helped to develop and expand this great profession of ours. A special gala dinner is planned in their honor, with the cost of tickets being substantially underwritten by our generous supporters to make them affordable for everyone. Second, the location. The Hilton Bonnet Creek Resort is minutes away from Disneyworld, Epcot and Universal Studios, with some free time early in the week for a magical, memorable visit with family and friends. Third, the Conference Planning Committee listened to you! At this year's meeting, we will present the information that you listed as important on the meeting surveys. We will continue the Safety sessions with simulation, the sessions on Long-Term Support, Blood Conservation Techniques and the scientific sessions of abstract presentations. The meeting is a great value too. AmSECT conference registration rates remain the very same as they were the last time the International Conference was held in Orlando . . . in 2008! We promise to offer among the highest level of continuing education points available. Additionally, Orlando's easy access typically offers reasonable air travel rates. Plus in March, who wouldn't want to be away from the cold and snowy weather? You just can't beat those southeast temperatures in the 80's. Make plans now to join us in March for this once-in-a-lifetime 50th International Conference. Best regards, Bill DeBois 50th International Conference

版权所有:中国生物医学工程学会体外循环分会 京ICP备12008720号-1 京公网安备110102005600号 技术支持:北京平东信息技术有限公司