
Chinese Society of Extracorporeal circulation

美敦力公司邮件新闻 - Have your patients enroll in the CareLink Patient Information Site today

Medtronic CareLink - Patient Information Site - For Implanted Medtronic Cardiac Devices

Happy New Year! We'd like to remind you of a way to keep your patients informed of their remote transmissions in 2013 and beyond. This can be done via the CareLink® Patient Information Site:

In just 5 months, we have over 1,300 users enrolled in this site.1

This unique website is a convenient, secure way for your patients (along with their families, friends, or caregivers) to obtain information on the following:

Successfully received remote transmissions Missed remote transmissions Next scheduled remote transmission dates

Website users may select from the following notification methods:

Email notifications* Text notifications* The website is always an option for message delivery The only thing your clinic needs to do is complete a one-time clinic setup on the CareLink Clinician Website. This is where you select the type of message notifications you want your patients to receive (e.g., Successfully received, Missed, Next scheduled). To learn about the clinic set

版权所有:中国生物医学工程学会体外循环分会 京ICP备12008720号-1 京公网安备110102005600号 技术支持:北京平东信息技术有限公司