
Chinese Society of Extracorporeal circulatio

心肺辅助设备 - CARDIOHELP System


The CARDIOHELP System is a circulatory and/or pulmonary support system used both inside and outside the hospital environment and during transport. The System is used during procedures requiring blood oxygenation and carbon dioxide removal for up to six hours.


Veno-venous support: respiratory assistance for lung disorders

This form of life support is mostly used when the heart is still able to pump blood through the circulatory system without any additional support. The blood is removed from the jugular vein or a femoral vein for enrichment with oxygen, after which it is returned to a vein.


Cardiac and respiratory support: Veno-arterial support

Veno-arterial Support

is used with patients whose hearts are not adequately supporting their circulation, or have stopped. It is vitally important to ensure cardiopulmonary support as early as possible to minimize organ damage. The


may assist the patient by enabling quick examination in the cardiac catheter laboratory and revascularization by means of catheters or cardiac surgery. In the case of a veno-arterial Support, the blood is removed from the right atrium or a femoral vein and is returned to the aorta or a femoral artery after oxygenation. Therefore, some of the blood bypasses the heart in a parallel circulatory system, thus relieving stress on the heart muscle.

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